How to attract children to healthy diets?


How to attract children to healthy diets?

In KSA eating unhealthy food is very common, such as Burger, Junk food, Energy drinks which easily available everywhere.
the Saudi Statistics department has said that 8 % of children πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ under the age of 5 are suffering from abnormal depression, while 5 percent are weak.
Most mothers are mistaking their children for food.
“Some mothers adopt the wrong strategy to feed their children healthy, such as telling them that if you eat something, you will be rewarded and not eaten you will get detention,
” Dr. Wajdan al-Abd al-Kareem said, according to the Al-Uttan newspaper.

This worsens the psychology of children – children are more likely to hear of the reward and dislike healthy food – and mothers should change this procedure.
Al-Abad al-Kareem advised that it would be better to have children sit down with their families and eat. Let them not be made to eat separately.
Children must have a mind-making. They should be taught with love that everyone eats together, so it has many benefits. The main advantage is that the child starts eating different foods when he sees the parents. Children should be fed new food ten to twenty times so that the child can decide to be favorite or dislike disinterested.
“Mothers should be very patient and patient in the case of children,” Dr. Al-Abd al-Kareem added. More patience is necessary with the children.

Children should also be included in the preparation of the cooking.

The effort should be to give children the impression that they must decide when and what to eat, not the parents.
Children should be given food in different shape plates, he added.Β There should be diversity in food, while children should also be involved in cooking. If children take part in preparing food, preparing the dishes, and delivering food to the craftsman, then food increases their interest.
Al-Abd al-Kareem said that a healthy diet system should be introduced for children from the age of six months. The food system is always there – children are not alone, but children should not be rewarded and punished for eating with their families. Never say to children that our son or daughter does not like to eat in front of others.