According to Saudi public prosecution, it is a punishable offense to change the legally applied currency in the state. The crime of changing currency impression is on the list of major crimes. According to the newspaper 24, the public prosecution said in a statement that “anyone who intentionally alters the shape of currency or coin in the state will knowingly change or deform their currency or tear up their currency notes or give them any chemicals will try to wash it off. Reduces the weight or volume of a coin or partially destroys the coin or currency in any way. The public prosecution added that the person who cooperates in changing the currency will also be questioned. The person deserving of punishment will also be the one who regularly assists in the crime or gives any assistance to the crime or incites anyone to do so. The public prosecution statement said that if anyone started committing the crime, he would be punished for half the entire offense. The punishment will also be given to those who committed the crime on Saudi soil and those who committed the crime outside the state.
In case of violation, the person who does this he would be arrested changing the currency notes imposition will carry a fine of three to five years in prison and a fine of up to three to ten thousand riyals.