Information Center Opened on Arafat and Jabal Noor

These centers will remain open daily and provide the necessary guidance to the visitors

The Saudi government has set up guidance centers on Jabal Arafat ⛰ and Cave of Thawr to provide information to the Pilgrims regarding the history of these Mountains, which will be open throughout the day.

According to the Makkah newspaper, the Hajj and Umar Ahi Ahi General Secretariat under the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Guidance has opened the already existing guidance centers for the Pilgrims in the mountains of Arafat and Cave of Thawr.

These centers will remain open daily and provide the necessary guidance to the visitors.

The Cave of Thawr (Arabic: غار ثور) is famous for having sheltered the Prophet and his close companion Abu Bakr al-Siddiq رضي الله عنه from Quryash search parties as they were migrating from Makkah to Madinah.


The report says that the leaders of The Jabal Arafat and Cave of Thawr worked only during the hajj days. For the first time in history, these centers have been restored for visitors even in the days of normal.

The Islamic Ministry of Affairs has appointed several leaders in these centers. Here, visitors are being given the full introduction of Jabal Arafat and Jabal Tawar. In addition, the free lottery is also being distributed.

The decision to open the guide center on Jabal Arafat and Jabal Tawar in the days following reports that visitors are turning to both places in large numbers has been announced, said Mohsin al-Harsi, secretary-general for awareness affairs. ‘