Why We Need 1 Day For Love ❤️


Every year on 14th February Valentine day is celebrated all over the world. Valentine’s Day may be
associated with romance but the origin of this day is not romantic. Even the history of this day wouldn’t
make it into a rom-com, featuring a Saint, a massacre and even sinful nuns of Saint Valentine’s day. But
now this day is known for romance, dinner reservations, romantic parties, lavish gifts, etc.

Valentine day is a day of love or a day to commercialize love? Do we really need a day to show our love
to loved ones on a specific day only?


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I still can’t understand celebrating these days; propose day, teddy day, kiss day, friendship day or even
valentine day..!
I think showing your affection or love to your loved one doesn’t need a single day to express. You can
celebrate any day of the year. Those whom you truly love already know about your feelings for them if
you frequently express to them. How can you trust your life that you may wait for 14th February to come
and only then you can express your love? Maybe that’s too late for you or the other person..!
I am not against celebrations. Though I love to celebrate each joy and each moment of your life.
Either it dad, mom, spouse, kids, friends or any relation.

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Life is too short to wait for specific days.
Surprise your wife or husband anytime with a bunch of flowers or cake or chocolates. Show respect to
your parents every day of your life. Show love and humbleness to your kids every day. It would be more
surprising if you surprise your loved ones on a day that they are not expecting anything unusual. Gifts
enhance love among family and friends and its Sunnah as well. Surprise your loved ones with your time
and gifts without any specific day boundaries.

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Life is beautiful, every moment has a memory, love is not about socializing it rather enjoying it among
person to person. Love expression is not bound to a single day of harmony, its about availing every
moment and chance to express your self.
Our new generation is now taking it to the wrong side. Dating is common among youngsters. Valentine’s
day is more than a show-off day. Rather spreading love it is hurting many people as well. Men dating or
wishing other women, youngsters dating with each other, even spouses who are celebrating this day
forget ethics in public. It is more of a brag for couples where they get to buy lavish gifts in the name of
expressing love.
Valentine da should not be a date on which your relationship hinges. One can express love anytime,
anyday, anywhere without waiting for a particular way.
“Celebrate love with your loved ones as it’s the last day”.