Masjid Al Sabr, AL Zahra 4 District
Jeddah city has many beautiful masjids đź•Ślocated along the corniche and in every area of the city.
A new splendid masjid opened in Al Zahra District 4. It’s so simple yet modest and elegant. It has a spacious hall, with super-soft carpet, well ventilated and fragrant. The fixtures and style are modern yet very simple. The soft turquoise and Grey Carpet is giving so collet effect to the hall.
All necessities are available. Many tissue boxes are placed around the hall, clean bins, clean toilets, and ablution areas. For elderly people, there are plenty of folding chairs available, special passage area with people on wheelchairs. ♿️
The women’s pray area has the same furnishing and spacious hall too. The elevator and staircase are both available.
If you are passing by this area, must visit this beautiful, modest and peaceful masjid.
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